Marketing Insight Seven Steps To Best Leverage Marketing Analytics Drive business performance at scale by integrating powerful marketing analytics capabilities John Fildes | Marketing Leader презентация

Move Beyond Business Reporting Drive business outcomes at scale by evolving beyond basic business reporting Keys to Success Separate reporting from analytics Focus on business outcomes Drive performance, report

Слайд 1
Marketing Insight
Seven Steps To Best Leverage Marketing Analytics
Drive business performance

at scale by integrating powerful marketing analytics capabilities

John Fildes | Marketing Leader

Слайд 2Move Beyond Business Reporting
Drive business outcomes at scale by evolving beyond

basic business reporting
Keys to Success
Separate reporting from analytics
Focus on business outcomes
Drive performance, report success
Avoid Pitfalls
Insufficient skills
Inefficient analysis tools
No executive sponsor

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 1

Слайд 3Identify the Right KPIs To Measure
Cut through the clutter and identify

the right indicators of business success
Keys to Success
Identify specific opportunities
Define success upfront
Measure only what matters most
Avoid Pitfalls
Boiling the ocean
One size fits all measurement
Misalignment to business goals

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 2

Слайд 4Create Panoramic Views of Performance
Connect fragmented online and offline data sources

to improve business decisions
Keys to Success
Streamline data aggregation
Zoom in, zoom out, dynamics
Data standards and governance
Avoid Pitfalls
Partial views of performance
Static measurement models
Insufficient data quality

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 3

Слайд 5Make Data Meaningful to Leadership
Deliver results in the right context to

make data meaningful to leadership
Keys to Success
Business relevant META tagging
Predictive insight, prescriptive action
Jargon free, plain English
Avoid Pitfalls
Incorrect delivery vehicles
No benchmarks
Marketing speak

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 4

Слайд 6Propel Data-Informed Decision Making
Transform intimidating data into easily understood business intelligence

to Success
Simple visual delivery
Clear KPIs and benchmarks
Cause and effective insight
Avoid Pitfalls
Overly complex visuals
Ineffective adoption, gut decisions
Analysis paralysis

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 5

Слайд 7Improve Customer Experiences
Increase sales, revenue, and customer loyalty by delivering personalized

Keys to Success
Seamless offline-online journeys
Real-time customer insight
Predictive modeling, delivery
Avoid Pitfalls
Static segmentation
Rigid operations and execution
Inability to deliver at scale

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 6

Слайд 8Reduce Cost, Maximize ROI
Drive smart budget allocation and improve marketing

return on investment
Keys to Success
Panoramic offline-online views
Cause and effect analysis
Predictive insight, prescriptive action
Avoid Pitfalls
Data-only decision making
Linear thinking, last touch attribution
Lack of operational agility

© 2015 John Fildes All rights reserved.

Step 7

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